Course #

During this seminar under the aegis of professor Thomas Coleman, students will explore a topic of their choosing on Chinese macroeconomic policy. Students will conduct guided research on a topic approved by the instructor at the beginning of the quarter. Students must submit to the instructor a proposal by the third week. Students must develop and submit to the instructor the reading list for their chosen topic. (Students must use a citation management system such as Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley.)

Students should view this as a seminar where they teach other students (and faculty) about their topic, rather than as a course where the faculty teach the students. Thomas Coleman from Harris together with colleagues from the Paulson Institute will direct and supervise the independent study.

The class will meet each week and students will present a critical summary of the most relevant reading and news on their topic and discuss their research progress with fellow students and the instructors. Students’ weekly presentations can include own info-graphics and charts to explain or summarize concepts and trends.

For reference, here are the paper / research topics from Spring 2018:

  • From Inflation to Financial Risk: Wrestling with Growth in Post-Mao Economic Policy
  • Ownership  structure  and  bank  risk-taking:  Comparative  evidence  from  Malaysia  and China
  • China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment in the Philippines: A Inter-state Relations and Institutional Perspective
  • Trade Relationship with the US: A Comparative Study on China and Japan

Enrollment is limited to 8 students by application only.  Submit your application here.