A student and their mentor sitting at a table
Participating students are paired with a mentor, many of whom are alumni.

The Harris Mentor Program facilitates relationships between students and seasoned professionals and policy practitioners, many of whom are Harris alumni. The program broadens students’ real-world learning experiences, expands their professional development, and helps them build powerful professional networks. Mentors include city and government officials, executive directors of non-profits, policy analysts, consultants, and other policy practitioners who freely give their time and insights to the important task of nurturing our next generation of policy leaders. 

A Unique Set of Experiences

Two men and a woman talking at party.
The Harris Public Policy Mentor Program offers a way for students and alumni to connect.

This award-winning program fosters meaningful connections between students and mentors. Harris mentors call on their experience and expertise to help students connect academic training with practical opportunities and to navigate the transition to professional careers. Mentors are matched one-to-one with a student in their final year at Harris who share a similar interest in policy area, career history, geographic location, personal identity or affinity, or other matching factors. 

Choose your involvement

The commitment is flexible; allowing for mentors and students to meet virtually or in-person depending on your circumstances. The program is designed to work in a way that fits both mentor and mentee needs and schedules. 

mentor event

Harris Mentor Program Recognized as the 2017 Outstanding Program by the American College Personnel Association

Harris Public Policy Mentor Program has been selected for the 2017 Outstanding Program Award by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Commission for Student Involvement
Join the Mentor Program.
Interested in joining the Mentor Program as a student or as a mentor? Learn more and apply to have a mentor, or find out how to become a mentor today.