Program Overview:

Students in their final year at Harris are matched one-to-one with a mentor who has a similar interest in their policy area, career history, geographic location, personal identity or affinity, or other matching factors. This commitment is flexible; students can meet with their mentor on a schedule that best for them, virtually or in-person depending on your circumstances. The program is designed to work in a way that fits both mentor and mentee needs and schedules. We do expect that mentors and mentees have a minimum of one touchpoint per month (whether phone, email, or meeting) for the duration of the academic year.

The one-on-one mentorship relationship last for the entire academic year.  Mentors and mentees will be expected to have a minimum of one touchpoint per month (whether phone, email, or meeting) for the duration of the academic year.  The program provides a suggested curriculum of topics to help guide the relationship and meet program outcomes.  Students must apply for the program and will be matched with their mentor by the start of the Autumn academic quarter.  Much of the interactions between mentees and mentors is driven by the pairs themselves, however signature programming will be offered throughout the year to give mentees and mentors additional opportunities to interact and foster their relationship. 

Signature programming includes;

  • Mentor Welcome: The Mentor Welcome kicks off the formal one-on-one mentorship relationship and serves as a school wide community building event.  The program will feature a keynote address focused on the positive impacts of mentoring and take place during autumn quarter.
  • Mentor Send-Off: The Mentor Send Off is the culmination of the formal one-on-one mentorship relationship.  The program will feature closing remarks from a current mentor and mentee, the recognition of the Mentor of the Year Award, and a reflection process from mentees.  This program will occur during spring quarter.


As a result of participating in the mentorship match of the Mentor Program participants will;

  • Have an increased awareness of their own personal strengths and talents. (Developmental Outcome)
  • Have an increased awareness of their long-term career and personal goals. (Developmental Outcome)
  • Be able to articulate long term trajectory of a career path(s) within their policy area(s) of interest. (Learning Outcome)
  • Be able to articulate companies/organizations that operate within their policy area(s) of interest. (Learning Outcome)
  • Gain feedback on resume/cover letter/interviewing from someone in their policy area(s) of interest. (Program Outcome)
  • Gain an increased understanding of how to make targeted referrals and introductions to policy practitioners working in their areas of interest, targeted geographic areas, and/or organizations of interest. (Developmental Outcome)