Credential Program Events

Attend an event with Harris School of Public Policy to meet us and learn more about our credential programs.

You can also watch our recent webinars to learn more about the program.

Cred Programs Roundtable
Join Austin Wright, Associate Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, in conversation with Shilin Liu, Executive Director of Credential Programs and Partnerships, for a roundtable discussion on Harris Credential Programs!
PKU-UChicago Summer School Alumni Roundtable
Join us for an interactive conversation with Lingyang Zhang, Associate Director of Credential Programs to learn about the immersive in-person programs offered at the Peking University campus in Beijing.
A student taking notes
Join to hear more about the 9-week Policy Analysis Credential program!
PWC Roundtable
Join this interactive conversation to connect with Persuasive Writing Credential (PWC) alumni. Alumni will share their program experience and how they applied their skills at their professional organizations or academic programs!
MPIF Mini Class
Join Thomas Coleman, PKU–UChicago MPIF faculty member, for a mini-class session on Understanding Cryptocurrencies: Money, Inflation, and the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level.
DPSS Alumni Roundtable
Join this conversation with alums about the program and later applying learning to study and work.