
admitted students
Ask Admissions is a space for you to connect with a member of The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Credential Programs Admissions Team.
students shaking hands
Ask Admissions is a space for you to connect with a member of The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Credential Programs Admissions Team.
four students smiling on a panel
Join this overview session to learn about the Public Sector Scholarship for degree programs at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
two students working together
Join us for an interactive conversation with Lingyang Zhang, Associate Director of Credential Programs, to learn about the immersive in-person programs offered at the Peking University campus in Beijing.
students smiling
Join this overview session to learn about credential programs at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
credit card in front of computer
Join the Harris team for an in-depth discussion on financing your graduate degree. You will learn more about scholarships, financial aid, and your return on investment.