Starting on day one, and at every step of the way—through course work, academic support programs, student organizations, and career development, both within your cohort and across the University—student life at Harris Public Policy is designed to help you turn your passion for doing good into proven social impact.

Earning a degree at Harris isn't a transactional experience. This is a place to immerse yourself in all that Harris is, to be part of a community that will challenge you as much as it supports you, where classmates will make you laugh as hard as you will study. It is where you will build your experience as well as lifelong relationships, where you will broaden your network as well as your point of view.

Academic Affairs

Class Location and Schedule 

Cohorts will either have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the entirety of the program.  Classes are scheduled 6 p.m.– 8:50 p.m. The Evening Master's Program follows the University of Chicago academic calendar.  

Please visit the Student Portal via the platform Canvas for more information. 

Course Registration

Evening Master's Program students will be automatically enrolled each term. 

Leave of Absence or Reduced Course Load

Throughout your time in the program you may need to take a leave of absence or reduce your course load to meet the busy demands of your life. Students who need to explore this option will set-up an advising appointment with your academic advisor to explore options and consider financial implications and graduation timeline.  

Student Handbook

All Harris students are also subject to the policies and regulations of the University, as outlined in the University of Chicago Student Manual. Students should also familiarize themselves with the Harris Student Handbook.

Student Life

Student Organizations

Evening Master's Program students are welcome to attend any of the numerous on campus and student events offered by the school and our active roster of student organizations. Most of these are listed in the News and Events section of this website and are included in monthly email newsletters that you will receive as a Harris student.

Many of the student events that are offered are held during the workday. Since it may not be convenient for you attend, we’ve creating programming that fits the needs of Evening Master’s students as well as worked with Harris to record as many programs as possible throughout the year. If you have ideas or want to start an organization, please let us know.

School-Wide Events

In addition to the wide array of events and symposia offered by Harris, staff and students also hold large student-focused events once per quarter. These include an off-campus experience (Autumn), Harris Follies (Winter), and our end of year gala event (Spring).

Graduate Council (UChicago Grad) is a another fantastic resource for funding options, graduate life events, important news about the University, and additional resources. Take a look at the greater graduate council team and resources available. 

Campus Resources

Evening Master's Program students will have access to the UChicago Library and the Keller Center, home of Harris Public Policy. The campus fitness facilities and student health services are not available to part-time students, although students may opt-in to the health insurance.

Harris Professional Development Fund

The Harris Professional Development Fund (login required) offers students opportunities to advance their chosen academic and professional goals by offering grants to support students who are attending conferences to present research or for professional development. Funds can be used to reimburse students for conference registration fees as well as travel and lodging.

Students can receive grant amounts up to $500. Grants are taxable income.

All requests for the Harris Professional Development Fund must be made through electronic application by 5 p.m. on Friday of week four of the academic quarter in which the student wishes to receive funding.

Career Development Services

The Career Development Office offers a wide range of resources to help students and alumni build their skills and identify career opportunities. It also helps employers connect with qualified job candidates.

As Harris student, you can access any of the programming and advising services. You will also have full access to UChicagoGRAD resources, including career advising, programs, workshops, and job fairs.

If you or your employer are seeking to hire public policy graduates, please consider posting the job with Career Development.


Checking out EMP events
Checking out EMP events
Exploring the Hyde Park Campus
Exploring the Hyde Park Campus
Celebrating at the End of Year Harris Gala
Celebrating at the End of Year Harris Gala
Laughing at the Graduation Celebration
Laughing at the Graduation Celebration