
Headshot of Daisuke Kageyama
“As an engineer fighting against catastrophes caused by climate change, I need both an evidence-based approach to policy analysis and insight into decision- making models that Harris provides.”
An image of a child learning math.
Children from low-income families have lower math test scores, on average, than their higher-income peers. These disparities are of concern in their own right and because early childhood math test scores tend to predict later outcomes.
The ESG and Impact Investing Class at Harris visited Discover’s newest call center to witness the effects of impact investing on Chicago’s South Side
Headshot of Riley Milton
“Being at Harris is an opportunity to broaden my perspective of how I can be a good practitioner in the community and economic development space and use these tools and concepts to serve those that have often been left behind.”
Guggenheim Fellowships are were chosen on the basis of prior achievement and exceptional promise. This year, two UChicago faculty were chosen, including Professor Howell.