
The annual Academic Communicators Network (ACN) Excellence Awards recognize the outstanding contribution of academics who use various communications methods to elevate the visibility of their work.
Headshot of Megan Sanders
“Harris is a place for people looking for answers to the questions they are most passionate about and are ready to explore and engage with opportunities to get closer to those answers.”
Keller Center
Four accomplished alumni of the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy will be recognized Friday, May 5 at the Alumni Awards Dinner.
Molly Smith
Our cities suffer from many inequalities, but our Harris education has prepared us to tackle these issues hea
Barbara Barreno-Paschall
Ahead of the gala, Barreno-Paschall spoke about the award and how MiPPS creates an environment that helps prepare students to thrive after graduation.
José Villalobos Gonzalez
“There’s a big dissonance between public and private interest, there’s a lot of opportunity to do things that benefit everyone if you can get business and government workers to understand each other."