
Executive Director Wang and student
Founded in 2017, New Community Outreach focuses on violence prevention and trauma informed care on Chicago's South Side through restorative justice practice, mentoring, and leadership skills training for young people.
Headshot of Christopher Doyle
“A lot of other students have the same passion and motivation to solve social problems, which makes me feel right at home here."
A photo of Austin Wright
As many as 35-45% of casualties have been prevented in the first few months of the war through heightened public responsiveness and the Ukrainian government’s effective communications strategy.
The Stone Center aspires to create a comprehensive understanding of socio-economic mobility. Director Steven Durlauf’s research finds that parental income during children’s adolescence is key.
Paula Worthington
Presidential policy analyst, government fiscal expert, top teacher: Paula Worthington shares insights on fiscal issues, infrastructure, and legalized marijuana.
Stewart and Chrisinger
The theme of the trailblazing symposium hosted by the Harris School and The War Horse News was the Human Impact of Military Service.