
David Uminsky
UChicago has received a grant from the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN), a partnership of universities dedicated to combining public policy and digital innovation for societal benefit, to create the Community Data Fellows program.
Headshot of Yelyzaveta Fedorovska
“I want to use data more with greater precision and better understand how it can be used to inform policy processes and decisions.”
Headshot of DeKevious Wilson
“My purpose is to help. I am looking to combine my passion for policy, education, and politics to make changes.”
Dana Bozeman
Earlier this year, Harris welcomed Dana Bozeman, the new Assistant Dean of Diversity & Inclusion at Harris. 
A photo of Oeindrila Dube.
A new measure of religious adherence, developed using cell phone data, shows that when economic conditions in Afghanistan worsen, people become more religiously observant.
Headshot of Zi Ye
“While I enjoy the experience of research, it needs to have an impact—not just be an intellectual exercise. Harris is trying to find the link between research and impact and thinking about why research is important.”