
Crime Lab graduation
Newly formed White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention hosts graduation event, highlights Biden-Harris Administration’s historic investments in CVI.
Alden Golab
“When it comes to using tech for the public good, it’s important to create partnerships between tech experts and policy experts and collaborate on the solution. Tech is a tool, but people save the world.”
Sydney Williams
In my world, we stand on a land where our humanity is valued without the need for validation. We do not go far for validation unless we need it for parking.
Professor Zelizer is interested in which legislative information gathering approaches work best, as they could lead to more informed and effective legislators. He also seeks to learn which approaches fail to deliver.
Shivani Patel
“I want to develop policies that support responsible and sustainable production of textiles and fair pay for manufacturing workers across the globe.”
johns headshot
I believe that we must defy the ills of our reality by imagining a society free of what has oppressed our beings. Our defiance of reality will be rewarded with a society where love is abundant, and everybody can be what they want to be.