
call center
Assistant Professors Gregory Lane and Erin Kelley found that the assignment of a female-sounding name for an online sales agent led to 50 percent fewer purchases.
Alex Gordon
“I wanted to do research that was immediately and practically beneficial, and Harris and the MACRM program—grounded in that mission—have allowed me to do exactly that.”
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In celebration of Valentine’s Day, a few of Harris’s couples have shared details of their love stories and updates on their shared lives since graduation, a tradition Harris began in 2019.
Kennon Speciale
"I’d like to return to work for the federal government in a health data analytics or occupational safety role and apply research methods to support better safety outcomes."
Uchenna Offorjebe
For my Black Radical Imagination, I escape to a place where I see the poems, prayers, and promises of Black people before me who envisioned a radically different future.
Jen Brooks
Beyond her current leadership at the Center, Jen Brooks is an independent consultant and senior advisor at Project Evident, where she empowers philanthropy, government, and non-profits to maximize impact through better use of data and evidence.