
A photo of Bruce Meyer.
Contrary to conventional wisdom regarding the impact of temporary changes to Child Tax Credit payments, poverty was likely relatively stable in 2021 and the first half of 2022.
A photo of President Obama addressing a crowd.
The University of Chicago and the Obama Foundation on Aug. 30 announced the newest class of University of Chicago Obama Foundation Scholars, a cohort of 18 emerging leaders.
Headshot of Hannah Capps
“Harris offers an education that is different from any other public policy school: it sets you apart as an expert in the field."
Headshot of Sabrina Bailey
“Harris’ quantitative reputation made it an obvious choice for me. I want to be able to understand how data fits into policy and how it can be used to inform decision making.”
Headshot of Federico Dominguez
“The connections between students and the tight-knit nature of the school were the most important components of my Harris journey.”
Some protestors.
Twenty-one percent of Americans say either themselves, a family member, or a close friend has had an experience with gun violence in the past five years, and twice as many believe it is likely they will be a victim of gun violence in the next five years.