
Headshot of Conner Thomas
"I want to learn how to bring diverse groups together to form policies that are equitable for the communities that they serve, become qualified to create that policy, and make the policy understandable for people most impacted by its implementation."
Black History Month logo
Assistant Dean Dana Bozeman introduces Harris Black History Month programming for 2023.
Koichiro Ito
While air pollution from China makes South Korean residents sicker, strong Chinese air policies have led to fewer deaths over time—saving South Korea $2.62 billion per year.
A photo of Katherine Baicker
Katherine Baicker, the Emmett Dedmon Professor and dean of the Harris School of Public Policy, has been appointed the next provost of the University of Chicago, effective March 20.
Senior Lecturer Paula Worthington
Chicago Public Transit has failed to regain riders and Worthington links this to failures as a city.
Headshot of Angela The
Angela The wants to work with governments at the local level to develop thoughtful and creative solutions to improve digital accessibility to public benefits and services.