
Bruce D. Meyer
UChicago Harris research, the most detailed, accurate look at the problem across the U.S., shows that a modest disruption can push people into homelessness.
Three Harris School students interned at Funkhouser and Associates, gaining hands-on experience in municipal finance and soft skills.
Olivia Glen-Rayner
“Urban policy interests me because it’s at the intersection of numerous issues: racial politics, gender issues, the climate crisis, transportation, housing, and healthcare.”
June Sewon
“My dream job is to research discrimination and inequality and teach students economics.”
A new paper uncovers a previously underdiscussed effect of the Civil Rights Movement: dramatic positive change in occupational mobility for Black Americans born between 1940 and 1950—a change that has not been sustained since.
Justin Marlowe
The Center for Municipal Finance, part of the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, today announced six new members to join the Board of Advisors.