
Headshot of Stephan Garner
“The only way for knowledge to prosper is by sharing it.”
Professor William Howell
Professor William Howell was featured on the latest episode of the Rick Sanchez News podcast where he discusses the similarities between Trump's January 6th coup and insurgencies attempted within Latin America by the U.S.
Headshot of Carly Domicolo
“I have no doubt that I will gain soft skills and quantitative skills at Harris that will provide me ways to reframe my analytical skills towards policy-oriented outcomes.”
Associate Professor Damon Jones
Associate Professor Damon Jones recently joined The Takeaway where he discussed how rising interest rates and increasing inflation will shape the current economy.
A photo of Wang Shi
In keeping with the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy’s deepening commitment with the people of China and its heavy focus on energy and environment issues, a group of students recently met with Wang Shi.
A photo of Ariel Kalil.
About TIME extends the core work of the BIP Lab, which aims to reduce social and economic inequality by helping parents help their children learn ­– particularly in the home environment.