
Headshot of Lauren Lowinger
“I am at Harris to expand my impact. I want to use quantitative analysis to reduce barriers and help people in underserved communities access education.”
Assistant Professor Eyal Frank
Human death rates increased by more than 4% in vulture-suitable districts after these birds nearly went extinct; additionally, evidence points to an increase in feral dog populations and rabies, along with diminished water quality in affected regions.
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Pressing charges in cases of domestic abuse, vs. protective services for the victim, substantially reduces the likelihood of violent recidivism.
Headshot of Shashank Bharadwaj
“I saw the societal inequities and growing opportunity gap and knew I wanted to do something to help. Harris exposed me to new perspectives and ways of thinking about education, so now I am using that to evaluate and recommend solutions.”
Assistant Professor Zarek Brot-Goldberg
New research from Assistant Professor Zarek Brot-Goldberg finds that prior authorization policies generate savings for Medicare that exceed the administrative costs they create.
Gregory Lane
Traffic fatalities are a disproportionately large cause of death in many low- and middle-income countries, but public information could improve safety.