
The Bartlett Fellowship Program is a sought-after paid fellowship for Harris students to gain hands-on experience in energy, environment, and climate economics and policy research.
During Alumni Weekend, Harris honored four accomplished alumni for significant achievement in their fields.
Headshot of Syed Ahmad
“The Harris MPP is the perfect opportunity for me to gain the credibility and knowledge I need to execute policy effectively.”
Headshot of Liana Lan
“I’m grateful that Harris helped me find—and pivot to—an impact investing career path. Without Harris, I wouldn’t even know about ESG.”
stone center
The Undergraduate Thesis Award is annually awarded to two exceptional University of Chicago undergraduate students who have produced exemplary research on topics of inequality in the United States or cross-culturally comparative contexts.
Headshot of Natasia Engeline
“Sometimes it’s harder to influence policy from within an organization: through consulting, I feel I can have the most meaningful influence.”