
The Crime Lab and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) partnered to create and evaluate a behavioral science-informed training that helps improve officer decision-making in ambiguous, high-stress situations.
Derek Burling
“The city of Chicago is my home, and I am passionate about our community. Harris is the perfect runway for this next chapter of my career to create meaningful impact.”
Mario Venegas
"I hope to develop methodologies or tools to strengthen public service delivery. I want to do something that will eventually serve someone else.”
Assistant Professor Maggie Shi
Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Shi's research focuses on the intersection of health economics and public economics.
Chicago Public Schools saw a 35 percent reduction in arrests in school and a 15 percent reduction in out-of-school arrests for students at schools that implemented Restorative Practices.
photo of panelists
Steven Durlauf, Kathleen St. Louis Caliento, and Mark Hussey spoke with Natalie Moore about inequality and development in Chicago and how it impacts our city.