
Iván Rivas Rodriguez, MPP’08
Four accomplished alumni of the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy will be recognized Friday, May 4 at the Alumni Awards Dinner at The Study, part of Harris Reunion Weekend 2024.
Alena Stern
“I'm excited to keep thinking about how I can grow with my team. Harris prepared me well for continuous learning, which feels especially salient in policy and data science fields.”
The group of graduate students came together to propose a workable solution to Chicago's burgeoning pension liability.
"As the son of Indian immigrants, trips to India was always a family thing. But I never imagined my entire CLA Class of 2018 would join me on a flight to Delhi."
Portrait of Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita appointed dean of the Harris School of Public Policy