January 27, 2023 Harris Student Organizations (HSOs) are an opportunity to make connections, put policy into practice, and develop and refine your leadership, teamwork, and project management skills. To kick off the new year, Admissions is hosting a series of HSO Community Chats throughout January. Join this casual conversation to engage with current HSO members and ask questions about their organization’s work. Each session will be co-hosted by two HSOs. Register for sessions by clicking the associated date and logging in with your application credentials. You must have started an application to join these sessions. Continue scrolling to learn more about HSOs and their community chats, or jump to a specific HSO: Black Action in Public Policy Studies (BAPPS) Chicago Policy Review (CPR) Civilitea Crime and Criminal Justice Policy Association (CCJPA) Education Policy Student Association (EPSA) Harris Community Action Harris Energy & Environmental Association (HEEA) Harris Student Government HarrisTech International Development Policy Association (IDPA) Latin America(n) Matters (LAM) Military Affiliated Students of Harris (MASH) Minorities in Public Policy Studies (MIPPS) OUTPolitik Public Management and Policy Student Association (PMPSA) South Asian Students Policy Association (SASPA) University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts (UC3P) Urban Policy Student Association (UPSA) Women in Public Policy (WiPP) Black Action in Public Policy Studies (BAPPS) Black Action in Public Policy Studies (BAPPS) focuses on public policy issues faced by Black communities, nationally and globally. We promote transformative change through programming high-quality, policy-based events centered around Black experiences; engaging in acts of service and developing partnerships with the greater Chicago community; and providing professional networking opportunities. The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Chicago Policy Review (CPR) The Chicago Policy Review strives to be an access point to the most pressing public policy debates happening in the world today. Entirely student-run by graduate students at Chicago Harris, the Chicago Policy Review breaks down complex, empirical policy studies into succinct and rigorous analyses that are accessible to everyone, and interviews practitioners on their insights. CPR will be co-hosting community chats with HarrisTech. Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, 6–7 p.m. Civilitea Civilitea serves to bolster respectful dialogue at Harris and in the broader Chicago community by presenting a model for civil engagement about politics and policy in this polarized national political climate. Civilitea will be co-hosting community chats with Chicago Policy Review. Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, 6–7 p.m. Crime and Criminal Justice Policy Association (CCJPA) The Crime and Criminal Justice Policy Association (CCJPA) is a student group made up of student practitioners, policy and data analysts, advocates, and believers of critically examining our criminal legal system and related policies to improve outcomes for people domestically and abroad. CCJPA will be co-hosting community chats with the Public Management and Policy Student Association. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Education Policy Student Association (EPSA) The Education Policy Student Association (EPSA) brings together students, faculty and practitioners interested in education policy and improving outcomes for students across the country and around the world. Our goal is to foster dialogues about education related topics, and push our community members to think of innovative solutions to educational problems facing the world today. EPSA will be co-hosting community chats with International Development Policy Association (IDPA) in January and OUTPolitik in February. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Harris Community Action (HCA) Harris Community Action (HCA) is a student-run organization at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. We connect Harris graduate students to the larger South Side Community through a unique fellowship program that utilizes student expertise in data and policy analysis for the benefit of local non-profit organizations. HCA will be co-hosting community chats with OUTPolitik in January and International Development Policy Association (IDPA) in February. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Harris Energy & Environmental Association (HEEA) Harris Energy and Environmental Association (HEEA) seeks to contribute to ongoing energy and environmental policy discussions and to expose members to various learning and networking opportunities within these areas. In order to do so, we engage with the energy and environmental communities at UChicago and beyond, connecting to a global network of industry professionals. HEEA will be co-hosting community chats with the South Asian Students Policy Association (SASPA) in January and Military Affiliated Students of Harris (MASH) in February. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Harris Student Government Harris Student Government is the leading student organization at the Irving B. Harris School of Public Policy. The organization acts as a liaison between the faculty and administration for the Harris student community. We strive to represent the entire student body at Harris through interaction with faculty, administration, and the greater community. Harris Student Government will be co-hosting community chats with the University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts (UC3P) in January and South Asian Students Policy Association (SASPA) in February. Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, 9–10 a.m. HarrisTech HarrisTech aims to promote discussion surrounding local, national and global issues at the intersection of policy and technology. We are open to any and all Harris school students that are interested in pursuing careers in the technology sector - whether as civic technologists or responsible tech policy advocates HarrisTech will be co-hosting community chats with Women in Public Policy. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. International Development Policy Association (IDPA) International Development Policy Association (IDPA) serves as a platform for students interested in understanding and addressing issues within international development. We recognize the complexity of development challenges and believe in the value of approaching these with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. IDPA will be co-hosting community chats with the Education Policy Student Association (EPSA). Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Latin America(n) Matters (LAM) Latin America(n) Matters seeks to promote the discussion and better understanding of economic, social and political issues in Latin American countries through a public policy approach. LAM will be co-hosting community chats with Black Action in Public Policy Studies (BAPPS) and Minorities in Public Policy (MIPPS). Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Military Affiliated Students of Harris (MASH) The Military Affiliated Students of Harris, known as MASH, serves those who served. Our primary mission is to build a community of current and former service members, their families, and those who are interested in military affairs. We help our community with the transition to student life, professional development, research, volunteer opportunities, and spaces to come together. MASH will be co-hosting community chats with Harris and Harris Energy & Environmental Association. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Minorities in Public Policy Studies (MIPPS) Minorities in Public Policy Studies serves as an academic, social, and cultural resource for students at Harris Public Policy. Our goals are to raise awareness concerning issues pertaining to minority students of Harris and the greater community, increase the number of minorities at the Harris, and promote civic participation within Harris, the University of Chicago, and the greater community. MIPPS will host sessions with Black Action in Public Policy Studies and Latin America(n) Matters. Register to join the following times. The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. OUTPolitik OUTPolitik (OUT-pohl-eh-TEEK) is the Harris School's student organization for LGBTQ-identified students and allies committed to fostering a community of future policy professionals interested in issues affecting the LGBTQ community. We strive to make the Harris School of Public Policy a welcoming and engaging center for LGBTQIA students and the study of LGBTQIA policy. OUTPolitik will be co-hosting community chats with Harris Community Action (HCA) in January and Education Policy Student Association (EPSA) in February. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. Public Management and Policy Student Association (PMPSA) Public Management and Policy Student Association (PMPSA) mainly consists of Harris students working (or formerly working) in governments or government-affiliated agencies around the world. PMPSA will be co-hosting community chats with Black Action in Public Policy Studies (BAPPS). Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. South Asian Students Policy Association (SASPA) The South Asian Students Policy Association (SASPA) is the student body that represents the diverse views and interests of the South Asian student population at the Harris School of Public Policy. SASPA provides insights to members and the broader Harris student population insights on the events, policies, and cultural elements that occur in South Asia. SASPA will be co-hosting community chats with Harris Energy & Environmental Association (HEEA) in January and Harris Student Government (HSG) in February. Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, 9–10 a.m. University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts (UC3P) The University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts (UC3P) is a Harris Student Organization that aims to promote public discourse by creating a series of multi-segment, multi-format podcasts that discuss policy issues using an interdisciplinary approach. UC3P will be co-hosting community chats with Harris Student Government in January and Urban Policy Student Association in February. Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, noon–1 p.m. Urban Policy Student Association (UPSA) The Urban Policy Student Association (UPSA) is a community of UChicago students interested in the policy decisions, political dynamics, and social issues that shape cities around the world. UPSA aims to help Harris students tap into the unprecedented energy in cities across America. We host creative thinkers in urban policy and innovation, visit leading organizations in Chicago, and offer professional development and networking for Harris students energized by urban policy. UPSA will be co-hosting community chats with University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts (UC3P). Register to join at the following times: Thursday, March 2, noon–1 p.m. Women in Public Policy (WiPP) Women in Public Policy (WiPP) is an organization at the Harris School of Public Policy that supports the empowerment of women and gender minorities. We aim to strengthen the feminist community at Harris, expand the WiPP network beyond the walls of the Keller Center, and position the members of our community for success at Harris and beyond. WiPP will be co-hosting community chats with HarrisTech in February. Register to join at the following times: The dates for these sessions have passed. We will schedule more soon. OlderHomeNewer Upcoming Events More events Monetary Policy and International Finance (MPIF) Mini Class Mon., March 17, 2025 | 7:00 AM Data & Policy Summer Scholar (DPSS) Roundtable with Alumni (in Chinese) Tue., March 18, 2025 | 7:00 AM Get to Know Harris Credential Programs! A Virtual Information Session Tue., March 18, 2025 | 12:00 PM