When considering graduate school programs, it’s important to look at factors like academic rigor, professional development resources, and perhaps most importantly, career outcomes. In true Harris School of Public Policy fashion, the Career Development Office provides data highlighting the previous year’s career outcomes. From the 2018 report, here are 3 key takeaways: 


What does this mean? Out of the students looking for a job, 96 percent secured one within three months of graduation. Harris also reports on job satisfaction, one of the few professional schools to do so. There is a story of a teacher who once asked a young student what he wanted to be when he grew up and he simply said “happy.” Well, 75 percent of Harris alumni reported being satisfied with their employment, which makes us very happy. For many people, if you’re not excited about where you work or your company’s mission, it is hard to find fulfillment, personally and professionally.

Harris provides students and alumni resources to help them find employment where they can make a meaningful impact and establish longevity.

In the report, you will also find a breakdown of sectors that the Class of 2017 found employment within. No matter what sector interests you, this report highlights the flexibility and versatility of a public policy degree from Harris. 

Harris is proud of our alumni who prove year after year that the skills students take with them upon graduation are transferable and applicable across sectors, making it easier to pivot from career to career. 

We can’t wait to see where our future classes end up in upcoming Career Outcomes Reports!

Read or download the full 2018 Career Outcomes Report here.