April 07, 2021 We heard from Luz Stephanie Ramos Gomez, MSCAPP Class of 2021, and Manvi Seth, MPP Class of 2021, about the internships they had this past summer. They told us about their summer projects, how their first year at Harris prepared them for the work that they did, and how their internships will propel their future careers in public policy. This is part of our series on summer internship reflections. Read our other internship stories here and here. Tell us about a major project you worked on this summer. Luz Stephanie Ramos Gomez - Embassy of Mexico in Washington, D.C. I developed a trade intelligence platform to compile and visualize the information that the embassy receives about events that may affect the functioning of the new United States–Mexico–Canada Trade Agreement. Manvi Seth – UNESCO New Delhi This summer I designed an interview project with 18 South Asian women in science to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s scientific research. My final deliverables were a database of South Asian women in science, a playlist of all interviews, a summary video of the project, and a report on my findings. How did your internship relate to the work you did during your first year at Harris? Luz Stephanie Ramos Gomez During this internship, I used all of the skills I gained as a first-year MSCAPP student: I built web apps using Python, connected the apps to a SQL database that I designed, and created several interactive visualizations. Manvi Seth Writing policy memos in the Core gave me the essential tools to quickly produce reports and internal memos. After working with the Harris Writing Program, I was able to write brief, structured documents that concisely conveyed my research. How will this internship help you with your future career in Public Policy? Luz Stephanie Ramos Gomez After finishing my master’s degree, I hope to make data-driven decisions in the public sector as a data scientist. Though I have a research background, I want to take a more practical approach towards data and technology in my future roles. This internship experience definitely helped with that transition. Manvi Seth This internship gave me insight into the workings and culture of a large international organization. After this experience, I am better equipped to make future career choices and share stories with my network. By interacting with people from affiliated institutions, I also gained a better idea of organizations that I would potentially like to volunteer with or work for. . OlderHomeNewer Upcoming Events More events Monetary Policy and International Finance (MPIF) Mini Class Mon., March 17, 2025 | 7:00 AM Data & Policy Summer Scholar (DPSS) Roundtable with Alumni (in Chinese) Tue., March 18, 2025 | 7:00 AM Get to Know Harris Credential Programs! A Virtual Information Session Tue., March 18, 2025 | 12:00 PM