Course #
Section Number
Spring 2025
Course Instructor

This section is particularly coding-intensive and intended for students in the CAPP program. The goal of the class is to familiarize students with principles and methods of program evaluation. The lectures will cover a mix of theory and applications; the problem sets will involve extensive data analysis and coding. The objective is for students to be able to evaluate program evaluation reports written by others and carry out program evaluations themselves.


Discussion sections are required for this course. This course is an alternative to PPHA 34600 Program Evaluation and students should not enroll in PPHA 34600 and 34610.

This course is intended for CAPP students and those who have had prior coding experience on the job or as a Research Assistant. Students whose only coding experience is prior classwork would be better served by standard Program Evaluation. Students will complete assignments in R (or Stata), but not Python.

Quarter Title Instructor Day(s) Time(s) Syllabus
Spring 2025 Advanced Program Evaluation Jeffrey Grogger Monday, Wednesday 9:00am-10:20am Syllabus
Spring 2025 Advanced Program Evaluation Jeffrey Grogger Monday, Wednesday 10:30am-11:50am Syllabus