In the News

A headshot of Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Leaders who are willing to choose new behaviors such as mask-wearing during the coronavirus pandemic play a valuable role in setting the social norms which make the general populace comfortable changing their behavior.
Katherine Baicker
The changes in insurance plans across states has caught the hospitals and health insurers off-guard. Dean Baicker discusses the inherent challenges within the system.
Michael Greenstone
The changes in pollution levels from lockdowns in response to the coronavirus may offer a new perspective for people considering the world around them.
Professor Ariel Kalil
While all children are suffering from a schooling crisis, children from low-income families will face a disproportional burden, Kalil notes.
Michael Belsky
The variation in alcohol laws between states is causing health risks and increasing confusion among people who are unsure about regulations.
Professor Bruce Meyer
An accurate model for poverty rates after the coronavirus should account for the federal stimulus package, but models without this information may still display the likely economic deprivation for those in poverty.