5486 total results
Harris Public Policy Assistant Professor Peter Ganong

Assistant Professor Peter Ganong Studies Mortgage Debt Reduction

For the next housing crisis, lessons from the last one
Harris Public Policy Dean Katherine Baicker

Dean Katherine Baicker Studies Impact of Health Insurance

Lawrence Summers: Yes, the Senate GOP tax plan would cause "thousands" to die

General Admissions Webinar

Rekha Ramesh, MPP'99

Alumni Q&A: Rekha Ramesh, MPP’99

In her experience working in global health policy, Rekha Ramesh has observed more similarities than differences in countries around the world, indicating that international collaboration could be the model for solving future global health issues.
Harris Public Policy Professor Michael Greenstone

Professor Michael Greenstone Discusses Prenatal Health Risks From Fracking

Fracking sites may raise the risk of underweight babies

Hydraulic Fracturing Decreases Infant Health, Study Finds

Prof. Michael Greenstone and co-authors finds infants born within about 2 miles of a fracking site are more likely to be classified as low birth weight, but there is no evidence of compromised infant health at further distances.

Your Learning

Whichever degree program you pursue, Harris students will have the support and the tools to succeed.

Favoritism: The Political Economy of Social Networks

Launderers Anonymous: Global Regulatory Compliance in the Finance Industry

Early Action Review and Decision Release

We know you have anxiously been awaiting your admission decision from Harris, and please know we are as excited to release and share the good news as you are eager to hear from us.