469 total results
Kennon Speciale

Student Profile: Kennon Speciale, MPP Class of 2025

"I’d like to return to work for the federal government in a health data analytics or occupational safety role and apply research methods to support better safety outcomes."
Headshot of Zackariah Crahen

Student Profile: Zackariah Crahen, MPP Class of 2022

“I want to be closely connected with whatever community I eventually settle in to improve the lives of my neighbors—especially those who have been marginalized or simply forgotten for generations.”

CLA Fellow Profile: Lieutenant Mark Sedevic Works to Strengthen Community Trust for Chicago Police

Mark Sedevic is a police lieutenant in Chicago. He used his Civic Leadership Academy capstone to extend his work towards a long-standing ambition: building trust between community and police. 
Spencer Short

Alumni Profile: Spencer Short, PAC'23

“Despite not having a formal STEM or programming background, the hard skills I gained from PAC helped me move up to a new managerial position. Now, my data work in R helps inform millions of dollars of spending by my company.”
Headshot of Muaz Chaudhry

Student Profile: Muaz Chaudhry, MPP Class of 2024

“As a future policymaker, I want to create spaces for people to safely present themselves without fear of oppression."
Makai Edwards

Incoming Student Profile: Makai Edwards, Evening Master’s Program—Cohort 2, Class of 2019

Makai Edwards enrolled in the Evening Master’s Program to learn more about government finance in preparation for running for office.
Namuka Ishii

Student Profile: Namuka Ishii, MPP Class of 2024

I aspire to work for an international organization, where I can help developing countries secure funding for essential infrastructure—including education—and provide guidance to governments in need.”
Headshot of José Luis Betancourt Cárdenas

Student Profile: José Luis Betancourt Cárdenas, MPP Class of 2022

“Harris has changed the way I approach problems. It hasn’t just given me analytical skills, but also a new mindset for how to look at problems in the world.”
Headshot of Brandon Williams

Alumni Profile: Brandon Williams, DPSS’20

“DPSS was inspiring because some of my classmates were pursuing pretty radically different things than I am, and it made me think outside of the box about my next steps.”
Troy Boyd

Evening Master's Program Student Profile: Troy Boyd – Cohort 1, Class of 2019

Boyd is using his analytical toolkit and decision making skills to create better educational opportunities for underserved young adults at Urban Prep.
 Ella Montgomery

Student Profile: Ella Montgomery, MPP Class of 2025

"I’m fascinated by how individuals make decisions and how policy can be implemented to encourage choices that align with their personal well-being."
Headshot of Santiago Hoyos

Alumni Profile: Santiago Hoyos, MPP’21, Pearson Fellow

“Harris was an amazing experience. I gained access to quantitative tools that I didn't have before, and that gave me a new perspective.”