Ask Admissions: PKU-UChicago Summer School

Thu., May 04, 2023 | 8:00 AM — 8:45 AM
Sponsored By: Office of Admissions

The 2023 PKU-UChicago Summer School offers three part-time, non-degree, in-person programs: International Policy Action Lab (IPAL)Monetary Policy and International Finance (MPIF), and Environmental Economics and Policy Lab (EEPL).

In this session, you can ask questions of Lingyang Zhang, Assistant Director of the Credential Programs Admissions Team, as you prepare to submit your PKU-UChicago Summer School application. We'll help you understand the similarities and differences between the three programs, learn more about the application process, and gain application tips.

If you are new to this program, we recommend you attend or watch a program information session before joining Ask Admissions. This is an interactive session and will not be recorded.