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Sabrina de la Vega, MPP Class of 2021, discusses the ways she found and built community at Harris after moving from Washington, D.C. to Chicago.
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As a follow-up to our recent blog, Six Funding and Financial Aid Tips For International Students, we asked two Country Ambassadors—Camila Pérez, MPP Class of ‘21, and Nikunj Singh, MPP Class of ‘21—about the cost of living in Chicago.
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Andrew Beeler, MPP Class of 2021 and former Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy, writes about why he decided to pursue his MPP at Harris and his experience running for State Representative while pursuing his degree.
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We understand that finances are a major concern for most students. The Office of Admissions has gathered the below information to help you during your decision-making process.
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Alejandro D. González López, Master of Arts in International Development and Policy (MAIDP) Class of '20, reflects on his first quarter while planning for academic, career and personal success this winter!
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Director of Diversity and Inclusion Michelle Hoereth leads Diversity and Inclusion-related programming for both students and staff at Harris. Associate Director of Student Recruitment Sparkle Dalphinis serves as a point of contact for first generation and underrepresented students throughout the application process. They sat down for a Q&A about their experiences as Diversity and Inclusion leaders at Harris.
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Harris is home to students from around the globe, and international student have shared unique questions regarding the application process. All interested students can find a round-up of the questions we most commonly receive from interested international students.
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Patrick Lavallee Delgado, MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) '20, reflects on his experience using big data to solve public policy problems in the MSCAPP program.
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During the four-week University of Chicago Data and Policy Summer Scholar (DPSS) Program, top global students and young professionals gain a foundation in data analytics and build community while exploring all that Chicago has to offer. We asked the 2019 DPSS graduates to tell us about their experiences outside of the classroom.
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Happy Holidays from the Student Recruitment and Global Outreach (SRGO) team at Harris! We wanted to share with you some of our favorite ways to celebrate winter in Chicago.
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Want to learn more about the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy? Please join members of our staff for coffee chats in Chicago and surrounding suburbs this winter! We will be available to answer your application questions or general inquiries about Harris.
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We host Diversity Day each year for talented underrepresented individuals to get to know the Harris School of Public Policy and its community. This fall, students participated in the first Diversity Day hosted in The Keller Center. Watch the video, read the full recap, and read Hana Passen, MSCAPP 2021, reflect on the experience.
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Students recently had the unique opportunity to hear a panel composed of a Nobel laureate, top UChicago economists, and the president of the Obama Foundation as they discussed the question, "Can Economics Save the World?"

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Ever wonder what motivates a political compromise? Or why individuals in society fail to address shared social problems? Analytical Politics I, a required course taken by all Harris Master of Public Policy students in their first quarter, addresses these problems head-on. That’s why it has become my favorite class this quarter...
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Student Recruitment Specialist Riyanna Coleman reflects on her experience with UChicago Service Day.
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Matt Shomo describes how he broadened his academic and professional horizons with Congressman Mike Quigley's Contemporary US Intelligence.
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At Harris, we are looking forward to a lively and informative Diversity Day, where our community will have the opportunity to learn about diversity and inclusion efforts and connect with Harris alumni, students, and speakers. We asked some Harris community members who attended last year’s Diversity Day what they were hoping to come away with from this year’s event.
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We are so glad you’re thinking of attending a campus visit at Harris Public Policy! This is a great first step in getting to know Harris culture, seeing what classes are like, and learning what the application process entails. Here are some helpful tips to make the most of your time here.

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Harris Student Government leaders reflect on projects that will make an impact on future classes, and give advice to applicants.
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Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Ta-Nehesi Coates, and Pete Buttigieg - though this sounds like the opening line of a promising joke, it’s also a list of three people I’ve had the chance to hear from since starting at Harris this fall.