At Harris Public Policy, you’ll find rigorous courses that will stretch you as a student and develop your perspective as a policymaker. While we expect students to be challenged by their coursework, Harris has cultivated multiple academic support programs and resources to help ensure success.

Harris Tutoring

Harris offers one-on-one tutoring to support students with their required courses and coding in R, Stata, and Python. All students receive eight hours of free tutoring to assist with their Harris coursework and will receive additional information at the beginning of each quarter. Tutors are usually second-year Harris students who have previously taken the core courses and have strong experience with coding.

Tutoring is also available to students in the Evening Master’s Program (EMP) for support with their courses. This resource is free to EMP students and additional information is provided to current students at the start of each quarter.

Coding Support

At Harris, we have many resources to help you develop your coding skills during your degree experience, from start to finish.

Harris has partnered with Dataquest, an online learning platform that provides interactive instruction in coding and data science. Incoming full-time students will receive free access to Dataquest, starting in the summer prior to beginning their program, through their second autumn quarter. We encourage incoming students to teach themselves introductory skills in R prior to fall quarter, in preparation for core courses. Many thanks to Dataquest for their support of Harris student success.

Harris also provides live coding support during the academic year. Students can enroll in the optional non-credit Coding Lab course during autumn quarter, focused on improving students' understanding of the statistical methods used in Harris core courses. All full-time students can utilize coding tutoring for one-on-one help with coding in Stata, R, and Python each quarter. The Dean of Students Office also organizes ad hoc workshops based on student interest; previous workshops have included Data Cleaning Workshops and introductions to LaTeX & R Markdown.

Pre-Orientation Academic Support

Harris also offers multiple pre-orientation academic support programs to help you build your academic foundation and refresh your skills before starting your formal coursework.

Academic English Pre-Matriculation Program

The Academic English Pre-Matriculation Program (AEPP) is an approximately three-week summer program designed to support incoming international students who have not studied in the United States previously. The program is run by the English Language Institute in direct partnership with Harris.

Jumpstart Program

The Jumpstart Program is a two-week program specifically for enrolling students that have a limited quantitative background. It provides a refresher on the mathematical principles and concepts needed to successfully navigate the Core and is intended to prepare students ahead of the larger Harris Math and Coding Camp.

Harris Math and Coding Camp

Harris Math and Coding Camp is a three-week review course designed to ensure that incoming Master’s students are proficient in the mathematical concepts and beginning coding skills needed to successfully navigate the Core Curriculum. Math and Coding Camp also prepares students for the mandatory Math Exam during Welcome Week.

Mathematical Methods Program

The Mathematical Methods program is a required review course for incoming PhD and MACRM students, to help ensure they develop the majority of the mathematics that will be used during the core courses of these programs.