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Harris Reunion Weekend Registration is open! View the schedule of events and register today.
A key component of our success as a school is our alumni, who stand out as leaders for advocacy and positive change around the globe. As a Harris Public Policy alum, you have lifelong access to an array of resources and services, and a powerful network of fellow alumni from Harris and more broadly from across the University.
We will continue to find ways to enhance your experience as an alum and expand your opportunities for professional and leadership development through events, webinars and curated commentaries.
Your involvement in Harris—at any level—is critical for advancing our mission as a leading destination for evidence-based policy scholarship and training for future policy leaders. Reconnect with old friends, expand your network, and get up to date on cutting-edge policy research. Be an ambassador for Harris, refer great candidates, or be a mentor. Give a gift of any amount.
Now, during this critical time of growth, we are seeking ways for more alums to get involved as we expand our programs, our facilities, and our enrollment. Our alumni have already been part of Harris’s achievements and we hope that many more will add to this vibrant, global community of policy leaders.
The Harris Public Policy Alumni Awards recognize alumni and policy leaders who have made extraordinary contributions to public policy. This celebration of alumni achievement is an important way for our community to come together to honor peers who demonstrate leadership in public policy and in essence, bring honor to Harris.
Please check back for an the nomination form to be a part of the celebration!
Join the Harris Public Policy professional network on LinkedIn. Find classmates or update your information through the University of Chicago alumni directory. Make your voice heard on the Harris Alumni Council.
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Whether you are new in your career or well established, Harris Public Policy students and your fellow alumni will benefit from your involvement. As a graduate, you are among our best ambassadors to talented new applicants. As a professional in your sector, you have valuable insights, working experience, and networks to share.
Your willingness to engage with Harris at whatever level of involvement you prefer will strengthen our community and help shape the next generation of policy leaders.
Sign up to volunteer
Harris Public Policy alumni have drawn on their rigorous training to advocate for effective, data-driven, and creative policy solutions for government, nonprofits, and in the private sector all over the world.
Your gift in any amount to the Harris Alumni Fellowship directly supports funding for students, investing in the next generation of policy leaders. By enabling us to attract the most talented applicants regardless of family background or financial means, your support helps position Harris as the leading intellectual home of evidence-driven, field-tested policy solutions.
Give now
Harris Public Policy alumni and friends are the best ambassadors for prospective students. You are the living embodiment of what it means to turn your passion into measurable results. Your experiences matter so much to those making critical decisions about the next chapter in their lives.
How can you help? Refer great students to us. Host a coffee chat for prospective students or a yield event for admitted students in your part of the world. We’ll support you with contacts in your area and a toolkit on how to have a successful experience.
Refer prospective students