News News Profile Research In the News Admissions Blog Newsletters NewsProfileResearchIn the NewsConfronting COVID-19Black History Month#PolicyForwardSummer of Social ImpactResearchHidden Bias: Female Workers Face 50% Fewer Sales Due to Customer DiscriminationFebruary 15, 2024ResearchAssistant Professors Gregory Lane and Erin Kelley found that the assignment of a female-sounding name for an online sales agent led to 50 percent fewer purchases.U.S. Shipping Policy Leads to Higher Petroleum Prices, Professor Ryan Kellogg FindsDecember 15, 2023ResearchIf the Jones Act were repealed, the efficiency of the U.S. oil market would improve by $403 million a year. Consumers on average would gain $769 million in savings—more than double what producers would lose from lower oil and refined product prices.What Makes Time-Of-Use Electricity Pricing Successful? Getting the Incentive Right.November 01, 2023ResearchA new study evaluates which consumers who opt into dynamic electricity pricing are most likely to conserve, and the role an upfront financial take-up incentive plays in cutting electricity use.Monitoring Healthcare Spending Generates Savings and Does Not Negatively Affect Patient HealthOctober 30, 2023ResearchThe extent to which Medicare should monitor for wasteful spending depends on the balance between the savings generated and the effects and costs imposed on patients and providers.New Research from Professor Ryan Kellogg on the Environmental Consequences of Hydrocarbon Infrastructure PolicyOctober 27, 2023ResearchA new study finds that blocking fossil fuel pipelines can lead fossil fuels to shift to other, potentially more polluting transportation modes, rather than staying in the ground.New Research from Assistant Professor Yana Gallen on Labor Market Returns to Delaying PregnancyOctober 26, 2023ResearchUsing health and labor market data from Sweden, the authors study the labor market outcomes of childless Swedish women who become pregnant while using long-acting reversible contraceptives.PaginationPrevious page‹ Page 4 Next page ›