
Kim Hunt
Hunt talks about her path and her life's work - and the ways her Harris education influenced both.
Itzel Rangel
“I'm focusing my studies on policing, drug related crimes, and immigration because these are things that have affected my community a lot. By learning about research and analysis, I will be able to make productive change and have a direct impact.”
Sofia Potes
"I enjoy using my knowledge and experience to help improve people’s lives by focusing on improving the economic relationship between Mexico and the U.S.”
Alex Gordon
“I wanted to do research that was immediately and practically beneficial, and Harris and the MACRM program—grounded in that mission—have allowed me to do exactly that.”
Kennon Speciale
"I’d like to return to work for the federal government in a health data analytics or occupational safety role and apply research methods to support better safety outcomes."
Alden Golab
“When it comes to using tech for the public good, it’s important to create partnerships between tech experts and policy experts and collaborate on the solution. Tech is a tool, but people save the world.”