
Utsav Gandhi
“I’m looking forward to combining my professional experience with the skills I developed at Harris to study the issue of social media communications from an academic research perspective.”
Adilene Esquinca
“My experience thus far with statistical analysis and data visualization has given me a great foundation: I'm looking forward to the next, more technically advanced step in my career."
Aung Htet Moe
“Studying at the University of Chicago is the ultimate opportunity to develop my policy research and analytical skills to improve Burma’s development.”
Albert Eiffes
“I want to take a global view of problems. How do we take wherever we're at right now, name an end state, and try to move towards it?”
Vladimir Bejdo
“DPSS renewed my confidence in my grasp of data management and analysis concepts, allowing me to take on cross-functional tasks in both my personal and professional endeavors.”
Olivia Glen-Rayner
“Urban policy interests me because it’s at the intersection of numerous issues: racial politics, gender issues, the climate crisis, transportation, housing, and healthcare.”