
Headshot of Muaz Chaudhry
“As a future policymaker, I want to create spaces for people to safely present themselves without fear of oppression."
Headshot of Umama Zillur
“Compared to the other policy schools, Harris had the rigor, the environment, and the people who were asking the questions I was interested in.”
Headshot of Anupriya Nag
“I hope to enable others to have the tools and framework to navigate generational effects of displacement.”
Headshot of Agustín Gutiérrez Gómez
“The University of Chicago is such an amazing academic environment—it enhances the way you think about the world.”
Headshot of Andrea Mariño Varela
“Combining the work of The Pearson Institute with Harris’ focus on quantitative skills made UChicago a perfect fit.”
Headshot of Joshua Charles
“The MPP program will help foster my ability to create effective public policies and advocate for data-driven interventions.”