
Headshot of Anna Gurolnick
“Policy needs to be created not just by those working in social work and education, but also by the people who live in the communities where it's being implemented.”
Headshot of Sarah Hillegass
“I wanted to do something that had more of a direct tangible impact in communities that I’m passionate about helping.”
Headshot of Eric Reyes
“My Harris experience definitely helped open up new possibilities that led me to my current career.”
Headshot of Jeongmin Shin
“I wanted to be able to take data and tell a story, and that is what Harris promoted and delivered.”
Headshot of Johnathan Hill
“I want to be that person who can tell stories with numbers. Without a doubt, Arne Duncan helped me understand that Harris could help me become that person.”
Headshot of Olivia Gunther
“People are often left out of political or economic conversations because information is not accessible to them. I want to use my academic and professional background to help make information more accessible to others.”