
Headshot of Miles Kim
“I want to take an economic and data approach to international relations and apply this interdisciplinary view to address issues on the Korean Peninsula.”
Headshot of George Hunt, Jr.
“As a proponent of life-long learning, I entered the Policy Analytics Credential program to learn about new ways to incorporate data in the decision-making process for my clients.”
Headshot of Lindsay Hiser
"As I read the articles and listened to the news published by the desks at NPR, I realized that policy is in everything—it’s everywhere. A policy degree presented a way to engage with that work directly."
Headshot of Ellie Jackson
“The MSCAPP program is equipping me with the technical skill and rigor to collaborate with communities and build products which empower people.”
Headshot of Lauren Lowinger
“I am at Harris to expand my impact. I want to use quantitative analysis to reduce barriers and help people in underserved communities access education.”
Headshot of Shashank Bharadwaj
“I saw the societal inequities and growing opportunity gap and knew I wanted to do something to help. Harris exposed me to new perspectives and ways of thinking about education, so now I am using that to evaluate and recommend solutions.”