
Headshot of Natasia Engeline
“Sometimes it’s harder to influence policy from within an organization: through consulting, I feel I can have the most meaningful influence.”
Headshot of Noah Fischer
“Harris’ environment has been equally inviting and challenging. I’m not sure you could find this type of atmosphere anywhere else.”
Headshot of Shruti Kapoor
“The skills I gained at Harris—especially looking at data critically—have been invaluable in my role at UNICEF. I have a completely different lens to use when solving problems.”
Headshot of James Marcucci
“It’s not enough that teachers are well-trained when students don’t have time to do homework because they’re working to support their families, or that the school provides lunch when students are hungry at home."
Nathan Jefferson
“Harris offered the best possible academic experience in an MPP program. The emphasis on quantitative training, and the fact that the program provided graduates with the tools to succeed across a number of fields, really stood out.”
Headshot of Aliya Bean
“My policy interests may evolve, but my desire to do government work, focus on evidence-based policy, and uplift marginalized communities won’t change.”