In the News

"You don’t want to quit your job when there’s a lot of uncertainty, but now the economy is doing better. There are other opportunities out there."
A photo of Christopher Berry
Harris Public Policy Professor Christopher Berry was featured on NBC Nightly News, discussing regressive property taxes in Detroit and across the United States. The news story features much of the Property Tax Project at the Center for Municipal Finance.
Joshua Gottlieb
Associate Professor Joshua Gottlieb was featured in Vox for his research that explores the distribution of the administrative cost of Medicaid.
Daniel Moskowitz
Assistant Professor Daniel Moskowitz talks about how local news sources are contribute to reducing nationalization.
James Robinson
Caring about taxing people with money could be a way out for the Colombian government suggests Professor James Robinson.
Assistant Professor Peter Ganong
As per a recent study co-authored by Assistant Professor Ganong shows that the unemployment expansion helped certain firms earn more than usual.