5481 total results

Study Finds Climate Change Damages U.S. Economy, Increases Inequality

Unmitigated climate change will make the United States poorer and more unequal, with the poorest third of U.S. counties projected to sustain economic damages costing as much as 20 percent of their income if warming proceeds unabated.

Michael Nutter

After serving almost 15 years in the Philadelphia City Council, Michael A. Nutter was elected the 98th Mayor of his hometown in November 2007. Since leaving public service on January 4, 2016, Mayor Nutter has remained active in public policy, government, and civic life.

Postdoctoral Scholar Amir Jina Finds Climate Change Will Affect Poorest Counties the Most

As climate changes, southern states will suffer more than others

Economic Assessment of Global Warming Shines Light on Inequality

The American South will bear the worst of climate change’s costs
Ingvil Gaarder

Ingvil Gaarder

Ingvil Gaarder's research applies microeconomic theory and microdata to study the differential effects of government policies on individuals.
Amir Jina

Amir Jina

Amir Jina is an environmental and development economist whose research focuses on the role of the environment and environmental change in shaping how societies develop.

Peter Ganong

Peter Ganong studies how households manage difficult financial circumstances such as unemployment and having an underwater mortgage.

Maria Angélica Bautista

Maria Angélica Bautista's research focuses on the political, economic and social consequences of state-led repression.

Guillaume Pouliot

Guillaume Pouliot's research focuses on developing statistical methods for nonstandard problems in public policy and economics, the extension of machine learning methods for applications in public policy, and problems at the interface of econometrics and optimization.
Interim Dean Kerwin Charles

Interim Dean Kerwin Charles and Fellow Economists Study Why Younger Men are Working Less

Why some men don’t work: video games have gotten really good
A photo of Steven Durlauf

Steven Durlauf

Steven Durlauf’s research spans many topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. His most important substantive contributions involve the areas of poverty, inequality and economic growth.

Jumpstart Program

The Jumpstart Program is a two-week customized program designed specifically for enrolling students that have a limited quantitative background prior to joining Harris.