
A photo of Roger Myerson
The most effective way to persuade people to accept a new government is by understanding the operations of local communities, Professor Roger Myerson argues.
Koichiro Ito
With renewable energy options at the forefront of the mind, Koichiro Ito, an associate professor at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy, has co-authored a study looking into renewable energy and power grid expansion.
A photo of Yana Gallen
Do mentees prefer to have mentors of the same gender? New research from Assistant Professor Yana Gallen, labor economist and assistant professor at Harris, investigates the ways mentors and mentees are paired and exactly what values mentees prioritize.
A photo of Oeindrila Dube.
A new measure of religious adherence, developed using cell phone data, shows that when economic conditions in Afghanistan worsen, people become more religiously observant.
A photo of Amir Jina.
As wildfires raged in California again this summer, the damages are adding up. In 2020 alone, wildfires killed 30 people and caused more than $19 billion in economic losses.
Although almost all adults say it is important to have a good standard of living, 46% say it is more difficult to achieve one now than it was for their parents.