
Kim Wolske
More and more households in the United States are choosing to install solar panels on their roofs thanks to favorable incentives and financing models.
A photo of Ugandan bank notes.
Vote-buying is endemic in many countries around the world – even in countries where politicians regularly vie for public office through competitive elections.
Predictive modeling can be used to help address the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles County according to a recently released report by researchers at the California Policy Lab and the University of Chicago Poverty Lab at Harris.
Jeffrey Grogger
Workers with racially and regionally distinctive speech patterns earn lower wages compared to those who speak in the mainstream vernacular.
The new report details the lessons learned from Arizona’s innovative approach to legislative redistricting, which was coauthored by Daniel Moskowitz, assistant professor at Harris Public Policy.
Report evaluates a range of policies and finds that when uncertainty is high, flexibility is key.