
Headshot of Sunena Gupta
“Harris is a place where I can explore all of my interests simultaneously, and that is not something you find in a lot of public policy programs.”
Headshot of Astrid Garcia
“I wanted to shape policy informed by people’s stories to help build a better future.”
Headshot of Alejandro Roemer
“What I wanted from this degree was to learn to do quantitative analysis in a trustworthy enough way to teach others.”
Headshot of Mandy Helwig
“I would encourage anybody to take this course—even if you have been writing for years, it adds a component of communicating to the broader public that is incredibly helpful.”
Headshot of Dominic DeCoster
“Health issues aren’t solely determined in a doctor’s office—social determinants of health can be a big factor, and too often our current policy fails people. I’d like to help correct that.”
Headshoot of Sief Salameh
“I cannot be silent when I see or witness injustice occurring, and that motivates me to challenge policies that continue to create disparities for certain groups of people.”