
Headshot of Stephan Garner
“The only way for knowledge to prosper is by sharing it.”
Headshot of Carly Domicolo
“I have no doubt that I will gain soft skills and quantitative skills at Harris that will provide me ways to reframe my analytical skills towards policy-oriented outcomes.”
Headshot of Nora Hajjar
“I didn’t just want a computer science degree because it is often isolated from where you seek to apply it. MSCAPP allows you to apply computer science directly to policy work.”
Headshot of Akerah Mackey
“I use the statistical analysis skills I gained at Harris nearly every day."
Headshot of Santiago Hoyos
“Harris was an amazing experience. I gained access to quantitative tools that I didn't have before, and that gave me a new perspective.”
Headshot of Varsha Sivaram
“I am very passionate about evidence-based policy. I’m determined to be involved in projects that allow me to see the tangible impact of the work I’m doing.”