
Headshot of Yufei Lui
“The IPAL Capstone Project supplemented me with the skills I needed the most.”
Headshot of Christopher Doyle
“A lot of other students have the same passion and motivation to solve social problems, which makes me feel right at home here."
Headshot of Daisuke Kageyama
“As an engineer fighting against catastrophes caused by climate change, I need both an evidence-based approach to policy analysis and insight into decision- making models that Harris provides.”
Headshot of Riley Milton
“Being at Harris is an opportunity to broaden my perspective of how I can be a good practitioner in the community and economic development space and use these tools and concepts to serve those that have often been left behind.”
Headshot of Megan Sanders
“Harris is a place for people looking for answers to the questions they are most passionate about and are ready to explore and engage with opportunities to get closer to those answers.”
José Villalobos Gonzalez
“There’s a big dissonance between public and private interest, there’s a lot of opportunity to do things that benefit everyone if you can get business and government workers to understand each other."