In the News

A photo of Katherine Baicker.
The Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth, a subcommittee of the United States Senate's Committee on Finance, held a hearing entitled, "The Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Future of Medicare Financing."
A photo of Professor William Howell.
“For the most part, we don't see any differences immediately before and immediately after a rule change,” Howell explained. “And where differences are observed, they tend to point in the opposite direction of where advocates of the filibuster claim.”
A photo of Katherine Baicker.
"Having readily available free testing is key to making sure that we can keep rates as low as possible while maintaining economic activity," said Dean Baicker.
Photo of William Howell
Professor William Howell shares his views on the expansion of presidential power and the resulting threats to american democracy
Photo of William Howell
Professor William Howell shares his views on the challenges facing Joe Biden as he meets American Allies during his latest trip to Europe.
A photo of Amir Jina.
Assistant Professor discusses his research paper on climate change and the impact on the US economy.