In the News

Harris Public Policy Professor Christopher Berry discussed the Fair Tax Amendment, a proposal to amend the Illinois constitution that appears on Illinois ballots in the November 2020 ballot, in an op-ed published in the Chicago Tribune.
Marc Farinella Headshot
With American becoming more diverse, Farinella discusses the impact of racial minorities on election and ways to increase representation.
Anthony Fowler
As the country prepares itself for the 2020 elections, Fowler suggests solutions to improve voter turnout.
Manuel "Manny" Pérez (CLA'16) has been appointed Deputy Mayor of Intergovernmental Affairs by Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago.
"Addressing today’s challenges requires the kind of coherent, problem-solving leadership that presidents can offer."
A photo of Tomas Philipson
The market for socialism is not robust.