Innovations in Infrastructure, a New Multi-University Consortium, to Develop Solutions to the Nation's Infrastructure Challenges.
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Harris to host Innovations in Infrastructure kickoff event on April 27.

The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy has joined with Bond Dealers of America (BDA) and three other universities to launch Innovations in Infrastructure. This alliance will serve as a thought leader on innovative solutions to the nation’s infrastructure needs, especially in the areas of finance and delivery.

In addition to Harris, the alliance of universities includes the University of North Carolina Department of Public Policy, the University of Texas Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, with more partners expected to join.

“It is important and valuable to have the BDA aligned with major universities to advance a collective thought leadership in promoting effective policies and market-driven solutions for broad-based infrastructure projects nationwide through the municipal bond market," said Alex Wallace, Managing Director of Municipal Finance at Loop Capital Markets and Board Member to the BDA and the Center for Municipal Finance at the Harris School of Public Policy.

The alliance will alternate hosting semi-annual conferences focused on infrastructure challenges and developing groundbreaking solutions to these challenges in both finance and delivery. The kickoff event will be hosted by Harris on April 27, 2023.

“We are honored to host the first conference to be part of this alliance of leading research universities that will help develop evidence-based solutions to our country’s infrastructure needs from coast to coast,” said Christopher Berry, Director of the Center for Municipal Finance at the Harris School of Public Policy.

The semi-annual events will feature a cross-section of industry leadership – from underwriters and issuers to engineering, high tech, legal, asset management and private equity players – together with federal, state, and local public officials, top academic researchers, and thought leaders.

The alliance will also advance BDA member relations with these leading universities, promoting career opportunities in the United States’ bond markets and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the industry.

“As the bond market leader in Washington, DC, it’s extremely important that the BDA provides the bond market a ‘seat at the table’ and is helping lead discussion of innovative solutions for our nation’s infrastructure challenges,” said Mike Nicholas, CEO of The Bond Dealers of America.