Seminar: Attributes of a successful work memo

Fri., July 27, 2018 | 12:00 PM — 1:30 PM

The University of Chicago Office of Federal Relations
1730 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Ste 275
Washington , DC 20006
United States


A successful work memo is different from academic writing. A Harris graduate’s ability to master this essential career building block is fundamental to ensuring one’s ideas are conveyed effectively to a government agency's (or other organization’s) senior leadership. Join Fred Crawford, AM'84, an Associate General Counsel at the CIA, for this 90-minute professional development seminar in DC on July 27. 

Please note: Participants must complete some short but mandatory pre-seminar assignments, and must be prepared to participate in both an active discussion and an active simulation. Successful seminar “graduates" will receive a small but life-changing piece of CIA memorabilia. 

The seminar will accommodate a maximum of 16 participants. Spots are limited, so please register now. 

Date & Time: 
Friday, July 27, 2018 
12:00 - 1:30 PM 
Lunch will be provided. 

The University of Chicago Office of Federal Relations 
1730 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Ste 275 
Washington DC, 20006 

Please RSVP by July 22. 

Questions? Please contact