Past Events

During this visit, you will have the opportunity to tour the Keller Center, sit in on a class, grab coffee with a current student, and meet with the admissions team.
Connect with a member of the Credential Programs Admissions Team to learn more about the DPSS program and application process.
Group work
Meet alumni of the UChicago Harris Persuasive Writing Credential (PWC) program. Alumni will share their program experience and how they applied their skills at their professional organizations or academic programs.
Group work.
Get your questions about the PKU-UChicago Summer School program answered by Lingyang Zhang, Assistant Director of the Credential Programs Admissions Team.
cloudgate or "the bean" in chicago
Please join us for an Open House for the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Evening Master's Program (EMP)
The Pearson Institute will feature Ian Morris, who will discuss his recent book, Geography is Destiny: Britain's Place in the World: A 10,000-Year History.